Monday, January 9, 2012

it's a new year

The New Year came just as if it were any other day. It's not until now that I'm starting to feel that 'New Year' energy and am getting organized to finalize some LizzyB Loves projects which have been pending for a while.

Some great news came with the end of last year which I'll be able to share with you in a few months (hint, hint: it involves a magazine!!), but for now I'll fill you in on the soon to be accomplished goals.

You've obviously noticed my dwindling down of posts over the past few months on this here blog, well, it's due to quite a list of things which I just don't need to bore you with, but most importantly because I've been working on updating the blog with a new design, new invitation/portfolio section, invitation pricing, easier ways of ordering your invitations, oh, and a new home for the blog as well!!

So, I'll keep you posted on the progress, which should be temporarily available in the next month. For now, get inspired, as I did, with these graphic finds via my Pinterest 'Great Words' board. Sometimes a little visual spark is all that's needed to give form to such true words.

{ Images via :: Pinterest :: Pinterest :: Pinterest }


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Hi. Thanks for the input.