Monday, January 3, 2011

a fresh start :: inspiration

Hello All and Happy New Year...may you all keep the spark of 'New Year Energy' throughout the year in hope of accomplishing the goals and resolutions you've set for yourself.

As with all start-of-the-year resolutions, I've resolved to exhibit more of my own work through this blog and less of everyone else' work. After all, you are here to see what I've created, right? I sure hope so. Of course, as mentioned before, there are things out there I totally admire which inspire me to create so I'll share that with you as it pertains to my creations, but I'm trying to make this blog evolve through the growth of LizzyB Loves and make it more personal, so we'll see how it goes.

To start off with the right foot, here are a few quotes I've found which will keep me inspired and focused on the path towards exciting new things.

I've found these 'great words' via Pinterest, my new favorite way of collecting visual inspiration. Here's a sneak peek at my boards:

A fabulous way to catalog the visuals you love.

I'll see you back here soon with a few of my creations from last years Printmaking course...loved it!

{ Images Via :: Pinterest :: Pinterest :: LizzyB Loves on Pinterest }


Hi. Thanks for the input.