Wednesday, August 11, 2010

my mind wanders to...

This is how my mind works (I think it's the times):
  • I'm working on a project after having told you I won't be blogging as frequently becasue I have soooo much to do
  • I need a font for a website I'm working on so I search for it online
  • I come across a link that takes me to Veer's twitter page (fabulous bg btw)
  • I follow a link from there which takes me to a very cool Activity Book created by Veer for Creatives
  • I start playing and waste many minutes going from page to page discovering the fun (and cool fonts they've used)

Is there such a thing as Adult-Onset ADD? Maybe I've carried it through from childhood because although I wasn't diagnosed with it as a child I do remember my grandmother having to sit with me in class to help me finish my math assignments (counting 'one penny, two pennies, three pennies') and my mind would wander with even the passing of a fly. Anyway, this is my life, but hey, I discovered something fun for you to play with (and waste precious design time on) so enjoy the activity book, it has very cool features if you play with it online.

See you later.

{ Image Via :: Veer }

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Hi. Thanks for the input.