Friday, April 30, 2010

happy weekend + joyful sunny day art

Welcome to the end of another week; time for some sleep after many early mornings!

I came across this very colorful and cheerful illustration by Katie Daisy a few weeks ago via ShareSomeCandy, and every time I scrolled through it I paused and smiled.

I visited Katie's Etsy shop and found even more illustrative joy. So ethereal.

As soon as I saw this birdie I fell in love. I even made Gabriel promise he would buy it for me (my first original art piece!), but when I returned today to save it for the blog it wasn't there anymore. My heart literally sank. I love the colors and the shapes so much I must have it but its sold out, :(. Luckily it was on Katie's site so I could share it with you.

Much of her work is watercolor and/or acrylic and she prints digitally in small runs. I love her use of vibrant colors with yellow undertones!

Being a Cali girl, I need to add this to my 'Art Collection' as well. Please visit Katie's site for more colorful lovelies. She is truly a great artist. Happy Weekend!

{ Images Via :: Katie Daisy }


Hi. Thanks for the input.